What are deriving handlers?

Lets begin by looking at a very simple example of this metaprogramming tool Lean has implemented. If the user defines an enumerated data type with the keywords deriving BEq

inductive test where
  | con1 : test
  | con2 : test
deriving BEq

then Lean will somehow (as if by magic) derive an instance of BEq test automatically, and expressions like con1 == con2 can be evaluated

open test

#eval con1 == con2 -- false

We may hope that we could leverage this kind of functionality for custom typeclasses we write ourselves. For example consider this bizarre typeclass which returns the name (as a string) of its type:

class MyName (α : Sort u) where
  nameID : α -> String

One could hope that we would be able to write deriving MyName to any declaration of an inductive or structure and it would Just Work™. Of course we know better. How could Lean possibly intuit our intentions about the functionality for MyName unless we tell it exactly what to do (though we test it anyway, just to be sure Lean can’t read minds).

We’ve seen this work for typeclasses like BEq above, and others like Inhabited, ToJson, … so what’s going on there? Each of these typeclasses has a custom “deriving handler” that derives these instances automatically (or at least tries). These deriving handlers are metaprograms written in Lean itself. For example, check out some of the handlers implemented in core Lean: /src/Lean/Elab/Deriving/.

The goal of this guide is to provide a journey through Lean 4’s metaprogramming in order to uncover what kind of metaprogramming magic is going on for these handlers, and what we have to do to implement one ourselves.

Looking at examples

In the /src/Lean/Elab/Deriving/ folder there’s a few examples we can look at to draw inspiration from. What all these handlers have in common is that our aim is to produce something of type

def DerivingHandler := (typeNames : Array Name) → (args? : Option (TSyntax ``Parser.Term.structInst)) → CommandElabM Bool

In essence we should expect the DerivingHandler to make some modifications to the environment (for example, evaluating a command that adds a particular typeclass instance) and return a boolean on whether it is successful.

After this some DerivingClassView method applyHandler can be invoked, and the handler is added to the environment via the

  registerDerivingHandler ..

command. Cutting a long story short (the story is quite long, in fact the last section constitutes of some notes I took while I looked into the source), the path forward is clear: We need to write a function with type signature Array Name -> CommandElabM Bool that generates the instances we want for each data type named in the array. Once we do this we can invoke some magical incantation, and the type class can be derived for us.

In principle because we are metaprogramming geniuses after reading the metaprogramming book, we should be able to write this one out by hand. But to play it safe maybe the best place to start is by looking at some of the examples of handlers already implemented in Lean. In fact, the FromToJson handler is pretty close to what we want, so we can take a peak at the implementation there to get a sense for the general strategy.

The FromToJson handler is not too dissimilar from the other handlers in the same folder. Most of the instance handler files can be split into 3 main tasks, and for our organizational purposes we might as well split the 3 tasks into the three main functions for the module.

Make the Instance Handler

In order to invoke

  registerBuiltinDerivingHandler `MyName mkMyNameHandler

We need to define the handler:

def mkMyNameHandler (declNames : Array Name) : CommandElabM Bool := do
  let cmds ← liftTermElabM $ mkMyNameInstanceCmds declNames[0]!
  cmds.forM elabCommand
  return true

This handler doesn’t do much. It simply elaborates a number of commands that are defined by mkMyNameInstanceCmds.

Define the necessary functions

Luckily there are a bunch of useful functions defined in Lean.Elab.Deriving.Util to make our lives easier. The API that exists around making instances is defined in this file, and the preferred method can be summarized in the following steps:

1) For each inductive in a mutual block, generate a Context

  structure Context where
  typeInfos   : Array InductiveVal
  auxFunNames : Array Name
  usePartial  : Bool

via def mkContext (fnPrefix : String) (typeName : Name) : TermElabM Context. This context includes all the information we will need about the inductive’s constructors, and a list of auxiliary names we should use to name our functions. 2) Define the actual functions that are needed in the definition of the typeclass. For example, for our typeclass MyClass and the function will take the form

  def ~auxFunName~ ~binders~ : String  

The auxiliary function name is luckily provided for us in the Context generated above. Not only does it generate a fresh name with no conflicts, but by using the name from the generated context we can refer to it in other parts of our program via its index in the array auxFunNames.

The binders can also be generated via a handy pre-written utility. In this case, we call

    def mkHeader (className : Name) (arity : Nat) (indVal : InductiveVal) : TermElabM Header 

for each of the functions making up the class (in our case, just one). mkHeader generates a Header (duh) from * className: The class we are trying to derive * arity, the arity of the class function * indVal the inductive we are defining it on. In addition to the binders, the Header class has a number of other useful fields that we can use to generate the function (which we do not need in this case because of the simplicity of our setting)

  structure Header where
    binders     : Array (TSyntax ``Parser.Term.bracketedBinder)
    argNames    : Array Name
    targetNames : Array Name
    targetType  : Term

Evaluate the functions

Continuing the steps from above:

3) Plug the functions from step (2) into an instance generating command. This is also done for us using the mkInstanceCmds utility:

  def mkInstanceCmds (ctx : Context) (className : Name) (typeNames : Array Name) (useAnonCtor := true) : TermElabM (Array Command)

Looking at the source code for this function we see that it, in essence, returns an array of commands of the form

  `(instance $binders:implicitBinder* : $type := $val)

where the binders, type, and val are all determined from the Context and the other inputs of the function (in particular, it uses the auxiliary function names from mkContext).

Putting all this together, you can find an example implementation of our instance handler here. Each step is separated out with self-explanatory names and type signatures, but we explain it nonetheless:

mkMyNameHandler is the handler which we initialize at the bottom of the file using registerBuiltinDerivingHandler. It relies on mkMyNameInstanceCmds to return the commands to elaborate to add the instance to the environment via elabCommand.

mkMyNameInstanceCmds generates the context, and returns the array of commands to run. These are split into the function declarations in mkMyNameFuns, and the instance declarations from the ` mkInstanceCmds` utility.

Finally, mkMyNameFuns is the actual place where we apply some of what we learned about metaprogramming and write down the actual function that defines the instance:

`(private def $(mkIdent auxFunName):ident $header.binders:bracketedBinder* : String := $(Syntax.mkStrLit name.toString))

In order for mkInstanceCmds to refer to the right function when generating the instance declaration, the identifier for the function, as we explained above, must come from the auxFunNames generated in the Context. The mkHeader command does all the work for us in defining the binders for the function to match the appropriate type signature of MyName.nameID, and finally the rhs is where we define the desired behavior of the function. In this case, it should just return the string literal of the name of the inductive.

And with that (in a separate file, with the right imports!) we can derive our instances automatically:

inductive test 
  | unit
  | recr : test → test
deriving MyName

structure foo :=
  bar : Nat
  baz : Bool
deriving MyName

open test in
#eval MyName.nameID unit -- "test"
#eval MyName.nameID (⟨3, true⟩ : foo) -- "foo"

Some final notes

Because our typeclass was so simple, we didn’t run into a lot of the complications that come up while trying to derive more involved instances. A more complicated example is defined here for a Serde serializer I wrote (which is extremely close to the FromToJson serializer built into Lean). In this section I’ll list some more utilities and patterns that can be useful in other serializers:

  • If the functionality of your instance handler should change on whether or not it’s being derived for an inductive or a structure, then there’s a handy
    def Lean.isStructure (env : Environment) (constName : Name) : Bool
  • On the topic of structures, you will also likely want the names of the fields:
    def getStructureFieldsFlattened (env : Environment) (structName : Name) (includeSubobjectFields := true) : Array Name
  • For most applications, we will likely want our typeclass to behave differently on an inductive constructed via different constructors. The way we would implement this “by hand” is with a match statement, so that is exactly how we’ll implement it using metaprogramming. In the Serde (and FromToJson) serializers we split this up into a number of steps 1) Make the match statement:
       `(match $[$discrs],* with $altsArray:matchAlt*)

    here the discriminants are generated via

      def mkDiscrs (header : Header) (indVal : InductiveVal) : TermElabM (Array (TSyntax ``Parser.Term.matchDiscr))

    utility. This utility needs an InductiveVal which we can generate using getConstInfoInduct [MonadEnv m] : Name -> m InductiveVal on the name of our inductive. The `altsArray : `matchAlt can be constructed by looping over all the constructors, which are conveniently packaged in InductiveVal.ctors : InductiveVal -> List Name. 2) Make a single match’s LHS by collecting all of the binders using indVal.numIndices and indVal.numParams and ctorInfo.numFields. Here ctorInfo : ConstructorVal, which you can find using getConstInfoCtor. For each field in the constructor, it is wise to make a fresh name and pass it to the next step to implement the functionality. 3) Write the RHS for each constructor to implement the desired behavior. This part of the metaprogramming exercise is as complicated as the behavior you’re trying to derive.

There’s a ton I still have left to learn about deriving typeclass handlers, but hopefully this helps you write some deriving handlers yourself!

Addendum: A journey through Lean 4’s source code

The keywords deriving _ is actually a language extension written in Lean itself. In this section we’ll look at how it’s implemented, and get a sense of why doing the above is enough to generate an instance automatically. This section is totally optional, and may be more confusing than anything else. But it helped me figure out what was going on when I learned the subject.

The Parser

If we want to know what’s happening when we write deriving MyName, we should start from the beginning on what Lean sees when parsing deriving MyName. This comes from reading through the Lean command parser, for which the key component is included below (this is most clearly read from the bottom to the top):

def ctor             := leading_parser "\n| " >> ppIndent (declModifiers true >> ident >> optDeclSig)
def derivingClasses  := sepBy1 (group (ident >> optional (" with " >> Term.structInst))) ", "
def optDeriving      := leading_parser optional (ppLine >> atomic ("deriving " >> notSymbol "instance") >> derivingClasses)
def «inductive»      := leading_parser "inductive " >> declId >> optDeclSig >> optional (symbol " :=" <|> " where") >> many ctor >> optDeriving

On an inductive declaration command, Lean expects to see the keyword inductive followed by a declaration ID, an optional signature, optional := or where, a bunch of constructors, and finally an “optional deriving token”.

optDriving is then a parser that looks for the keyword deriving (but not followed immediately by inductive!) and a list of declarations we intend on deriving the instances for. This is the work of the derivingClasses parser.

Once this is parsed, where is the command of declaring the inductive elaborated? After a little digging around the Lean 4 source code, a reasonable guess would be in the elabDeclaration found here. The type of elabDeclaration is Syntax -> CommandM Unit, and reading the source we can roughly see that if the declKind == ``Lean.Parser.Command.«inductive» we should evaluate elabClassInductive on the declaration. We can keep on going down the rabbit hole by ctrl-clicking on functions that look interesting (this is actually kind of fun, I learned a bunch of things about Lean’s inner workings… For example, did you know you can write stx[n] to access parts of a stx : Lean.Syntax?)

The elaboration

We have to first convert the Syntax object into an InductiveView the definition of which can be found here. One particular part of an InductiveView is an array of DerivingClassViews.

structure DerivingClassView where
  ref : Syntax
  className : Name
  args? : Option (TSyntax ``Parser.Term.structInst)

The next elaborated function, elabInductiveViews, in particular calls applyDerivingHandlers… Now we’re on to something! The type of this function is InductiveView -> CommandElabM Unit, so presumably we should expect the effect of this computation should be a side-effect on the Environment!

Parsing applyDerivingHandlers we see a nested loop over all classes being derived and all inductive views wherein the DerivingClassView.applyHandler function is applied to all relevant DerivingClassViews. It turns out this takes us to the Lean.Elab.Deriving.Basic file (which is probably where we should have started to begin with!)

In fact.applyHandler is the last function in the file, and as is usual in Lean files sometimes it is easiest to parse their contents reading bottom to top. Doing so, we see that in the definition of .applyHandler: the function applyDerivingHandlers is called. applyDerivingHandlers now looks for derivingHandlersRef which is an IO.Ref (NameMap DerivingHandler).

def applyDerivingHandlers (className : Name) (typeNames : Array Name) (args? : Option (TSyntax ``Parser.Term.structInst)) : CommandElabM Unit := do
  match (← derivingHandlersRef.get).find? className with
  | some handler =>
    unless (← handler typeNames args?) do
      defaultHandler className typeNames
  | none => defaultHandler className typeNames


def DerivingClassView.applyHandlers (view : DerivingClassView) (declNames : Array Name) : CommandElabM Unit :=
  withRef view.ref do applyDerivingHandlers view.className declNames view.args?

(Along the way we also see elabDeriving which is the elaboration of some new syntax we were protecting against earlier: `(deriving instance $[$classes $[with $argss?]?],* for $[$declNames],*))

Parsing this function, we see that given className (the name of the class we intend on deriving) and typeNames (the names of the inductives and structures we want to derive the class for), the function applyDerivingHandlers looks for the classname in derivingHandlersRef (more on this later), and if it finds some handler : DerivingHandler), the function applyDerivingHandlers evaluates the handler and expects a boolean.


A DerivingHandler is a type defined as functions:

def DerivingHandler := (typeNames : Array Name) → (args? : Option (TSyntax ``Parser.Term.structInst)) → CommandElabM Bool

In essence we should expect the DerivingHandler to make some modifications to the environment (for example, evaluating a command that adds a particular typeclass instance) and return a boolean on whether it is

Back to the main thread: applyDerivingHandlers evaluates the handler and expects a boolean. When false, this boolean signals to Lean that the deriving failed, and that some default handler should be applied instead.

So where is Lean looking for these DerivingHandlers? We saw it being looked for in the reference derivingHandlerRef. We see its initialization:

builtin_initialize derivingHandlersRef : IO.Ref (NameMap DerivingHandler) ← IO.mkRef {}

which we can interpret roughly as there being an ambient Std.RBMap from Names to DerivingHandlers. That must be what we want! We just need to find a way to modify this particular IO.Ref.

This is done by the function right below: registerBuiltinDerivingHandlerWithArgs (or the alternative without arguments) which simply (after a few checks) evaluates the function fun (m : NameMap DerivingHandler) => m.insert className handler to the state.

We can now rest reassured that the path we took in the last section is exactly that what was necessary given the infrastructure in place.